07152-242904 College magazine 2023-24

Ajiwan Adhyan

Social Participation through extension work

University has directed in their guidelines to achieve planned goals and arranged a system to complete the activities of extension work by making varied provision in curriculum as a part of our social liability. National service scheme (N.S.S.) and continuous education and extension department is function well for extension service work on behalf of RTMNU, Nagpur. Various activities has been performed through the department in various affiliated colleges and varied educational departments of the university. Under the preceding of vice – chancellor of committee.

  • To implement skill development in college level curriculum.
  • To help old aged in all levels.
  • To co-ordinate and guide to beneficiaries about state and central government schemes.

With reference to the above objectives, college committed has introduced varied programmes as per the guidelines of university under the monitoring of women’s education and service centre. Students of the college had participated in data collection project and Rashtrsant Sanskar projects, but now with the changed pattern we have established “continuous education and development centre”. In the academic session 2018-19, four projects have been introduced and assigned its responsibility to the teachers as per their interest and Intellectuality. As a chief co- ordinate. I Dr. Vijayata Vitankar take the responsibility of Sahyog (Help) project. The project ‘Unnati’ (Improvement) has been monitored under the leadership of Pravin Ingle (Asst. Professor). The project “Skill development” has been monitored under the guidance of Prashant Ghulaxe (Asst. Professor) and Project “Sanskar” (Sacraments) has been monitored by Swapnil Chavhan (Asst. Professor). Duties and responsibility of each project have been done excellently by the monitors of projects. These projects are as fallows. :-

  • Unnati (Improvement): Projects dealing in relation with Guidance and co-ordination about welfare government schemes.
  • Sahyog (Help) : Old aged help project.
  • Saksham (Capable) :- Skill development projects.
  • Rashtrsant Sanskar (Sacraments) :- Projects.

In the academic session 2018-19, we have implemented following programmes through the projects.

  1. Unnati (Improvement) : Under this project, participated students has to co-ordinate and guide about the government schemes because it is beneficiaries centre project. This project is implemented by contacting local bodies of the villages with co-ordination. Under this project case study report of beneficiaries have been made in which 83 students participated. In this study student have studied about the government schemes and their benefits. How much beneficiaries get benefited by the schemes and on what extent people of the society get improved. All these activities have been done by interviews with the beneficiaries. On the basis of study, Report have been made about socio-economic improvement in one’s life.
    Acept it Sahyog (Help) and Saksham (Capable) Project also have been launched in the same academic session by continuous education and extension centre.
  2. Sahyog (Help) : Today human life is improved and increased increase life span of human being due to new Innovation and research in science, technology and specially medical science. It increases average life span of aged people in rural and urban areas and will rapidly increase in future.
    The people above 60 is known as old aged people and above 80 are called over old aged. It is factual condition that due to lack of information people in rural and urban are unknown about the schemes and facilities rendered by government to old age people and so they get deprived of it. In General it is to be seems that old pensioner does not have any economic problem but in case of layouts labour, former have to suffer for their livelihood despite of their physical and mental strength with loneliness. In the age of their ability and capacity, they gives full contribution for family, relative and society but at the end of their life they doesn’t got care and affection from their neara and dear ones. In this condition they have to take shelter of old age home and this is really unworthy thing for such families that doesn’t care it.
    After taking into consideration, this situation of old aged our department has established centre for old as “Sahyog” (Help) for rural and urban areas. 83 student of our college BSW IISem and MSW II Sem have been participated in this projects
    1) Visiting Matoshri old aged home
    2) Organizing seminars
    3) Survey of the old aged problem.
  3. Saksham (Capable) : Skill is the key of self – reliance and success. considering this motto government has lunched scheme of skill devolvement. In view of this objective or motto university also has stress for skill development by including varied skill programmes in syllabus. To make student skillful, we have organized 3 day workshop of communication skill, problem solving skill, decision making, Imagination and logical reasoning with the help of government – Non government officials and NGO’s. They gave full contribution for the success of workshop. It increase students knowledge and varied skills. In this project 120 students have participated and out of it 100 student submitted their report to the co-ordinate. Under this project, following different aspects have been covered they are as fallows.
    1. Workshop on establishment of NGO and its process – 14.01.2019
    2. Workshop on fund – collection and establishment – 15.01.2019
    3. Workshop on personality development – 16.01.2019.
    This workshop become fruitful for student it was based on practical subject. It arises the hope of self reliable by establishing NGO. In this era of cut throat competition, every youth cannot get desirable Job that they have to wander here and there. In consideration of this condition we make little effort to make student self reliable for their livelihood with social liability and duty.
  4. Sanskar (Sacraments) : Various universities and college are identified on the name of great leaders and saints as RTMNU Nagpur also known as Rashrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur university Philosophy is a source of inspiration we have to learn something from the life and work of great leaders and saints who gave their contribution for the sacraments of the society. Their literature and philosophy is inspiration for youth. They get energy and way of life with scientific prospective and social liability. In view of this social responsibility, we have established sanskar (Sacraments) project in our college for students to inculcate qualities like, devotion, sacrifice, self respect, honesty and truth fullness. Literature and philosophy of saints and great leaders is a way to build modern nation. It makes us realization of socially responsible citizen. Taking this concept in consideration, we have assigned the responsibility of this project to Swapnil Chavhan (Asst. Prof.) They supervised the work well and give assignment work to student to one topic of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj literature. Student also submitted it for evaluation. In this project 83 students of BSW II Sem and MSW II Sem, have been participated.

Continuous education & Extension Centre

Year – 2018-19

Implementation Committee

Sr. No. Name Designation Members
1 Dr. Milind Sawai Principal Precident
2 Prof. Dr. V. M. Vitankar Co- ordinator (Asst. Prof. ) Member (Secretary)
3 Prof. P. B. Ingle Co- ordinator (Asst. Prof. ) Member
4 Prof. P.R. Ghulaxe Co- ordinatior (Asst. Prof. ) Member
5 Prof. S. M. Chavhan Co- ordinatior (Asst. Prof. ) Member
6 Ku. Pooja Pimpalapure Student representative Member
7 Shri. Nilesh Khadse Student representative Member
8 Ku. Karishma Gomase Student representative Member
9 Shri. Mangesh Parsodkar Industrialist Member
10 Shri. Govinda Shende Honairable Person Member
11 Miss. Swati Esaye B.DO. Member
12 Miss. Ushatai Fale Social Workers Member
13 Miss. Minakshi Ramteke Media Representative Member
Project – Wise participated Students
Unnati Improvement and Sanskar (Sacraments) Projects
Sr. No. Class Boys Girls Total
1 BSW II Sem 36 10 46
2 MSW IInd Sem 26 21 37
Total 62 21 83
Sahyog (Help) Project
Sr. No. Class Boys Girls Total
1 BSW II Sem 36 10 46
2 MSW IInd Sem 26 21 37
Total 62 21 83
Sahyog (Capable) Project
Sr. No. Class Boys Girls Total
1 BSW II Sem 07 03 10
2 BSW VI Sem 23 04 27
3 BSW VI Sem 19 03 22
4 MSW II Sem 21 04 25
5 MSW IV Sem 17 07 24
Total 87 21 108
Participated Student in continuous education and extension centre
Sr. No. Projects Project – wise Students
1 Unnati and Sanskar (Improvement & Sacraments) 83
2 Sahyog (Help) 83
3 Saksham (Capable) 108
Total 274