07152-242904 College magazine 2023-24

Core Values & Ethics

Handbook of Core Values and Ethics
The Institution is adhered to established, develop and inculcate values such as; fraternity, Freedom, Equality, National Integrity and justice among students and other stakeholders such as community without compromising and disrespect of cast, creed, color, region and sex. Therefore our primary mission is not only to educate students in their chosen disciplines, but also to inspire them to become innovators, leaders, and positive contributors to society.

The institution inculcates the following core values among the students through mission based activities:
We conduct the programs on national integration, so that students be aware the facts on this theme.

We provide educational programs that lead to the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary to achieve information literacy, career advancement, personal enrichment, leadership, and service to the community.
We celebrate the commemorative days of the freedom fighters of our country to know the patriotic values.
Participation of the students in various social activities through which the students came to know the communal harmony, religious tolerance and universal brotherhood
We arrange plantation program, so that the students are acquainted with the importance of environmental protection.
We arrange different activities under N.S.S., to inculcate dignity of labor and sense of social service, fraternity, justice and equality among students.
We inculcate financial thrift, human rights and scientific temper among the students.
We embrace diversity and inclusion.
We relentlessly pursue excellence.

All staff of the Institute is responsible for protecting and taking reasonable steps to prevent the theft or misuse of, or damage to Institute assets including all kinds of physical assets, movable and immovable property.
All the staff Members should follow the rules and regulations of the Institution, UGC, State Government and University as prevalent from time to time.
All staff shall devote their time and their best efforts for the progress of the Institute.
Staff should contribute to the vision, mission and goals of Institute through engagement of working hours.
Staff must be punctual, sincere and regular in their approach.
Staff must attend all functions of the college as per the instructions of coordinators and Head of the respective departments.
Staff must refrain from any form of harassment or unlawful discrimination based on existing legislative requirements relating to:
Cast/Creed/religion/gender/sexuality/age/marital status
Physical features, disability or impairment (physical disability or medical status)
Staff should work in cooperation and collaborative manner with others through academic and administrative activities to achieve Institutional goals.
The Faculty Member should show no partiality to any segment / individual student.

The Principal of an Institution should always be honest, fair, objective, supportive, and protective and law abiding. Besides, the following traits are expected from the Principal.
The Principal should oversee and monitor the administration of the academic program and general administration of the Institute to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the overall administrative tasks and assignments.
The Principal should plan the budgetary provisions and go through the financial audited statements of the Institute.
The Principal should form various college level committees which are necessary for the development of the Institute.
The Principal uphold and maintain the essence of social justice for all the stakeholders irrespective of their caste, creed, race, sex or religious identity as within the framework of Indian Constitution.
The Principal should encourage Faculty Members to update their knowledge by attending seminars/workshops/conference.
The Principal should encourage Faculty Members to author text books and publish research papers in reputed International / Indian Journals/Magazines and Periodicals.
The Principal should ensure that quality in education and academic services is maintained for continuous improvement and turn the students into better individuals and responsible citizens of the country.
The Principal should forward confidential report of all staff members of the Institute and submit it to the Management.
The principal should provide every required facility for overall student’s development.
The principal should provide all legal benefits entitled by staff such as, increment, promotion, trainings, placement, recruitments, and any other retirement related benefit within timelines.
The principal should maintain service books and CR of all teaching and non-teaching staff members.
The principal should monitor, control and supervise of university and other departmental affairs, correspondences and records.
To initiate and propagates the spirit of Welfare.

The teacher shall perform all his duties faithfully and will not avoid his responsibility. Teacher should be good counselors and facilitators. They should help, guide, and encourage the students to compete in the world. Teachers have to take all efforts for the physical, mental and intellectual development of students. Teaching is a noble profession. It shapes the character, caliber and future of an individual. He / She can inspire, hope, ignite them and instill a love of learning among the students. Besides, the teachers have to obey.
The teachers have to uphold the honor and dignity of the teaching profession.
The teachers have to provide an innovative and quality education to pupils.
The teachers have to be impartial and discriminative against students.
Teacher should be a role model for inculcating the virtues of self-reliance, national consciousness and democratic values among students.
To sign the Attendance Register and Biometrics attendance after arrival and before departure
Not to enjoy any unauthorized leave and not to enjoy leave without prior permission of the authority concerned.
To take classes allotted in the Time Table.
The staff member should use “Information Communication Technology (ICT)" for effective delivery of lectures.
The staff should take care of slow learner students and pay special attention to their needs in remedial coaching classes.
Teacher has to make regular contribution for the personal development of students, while looking after their interest and welfare.
A teacher is expected to develop fraternal relations with his/her colleagues to have proper interpersonal relationships and to develop team spirit. He/she should extend co- operation with his/her colleagues in evaluating the students and in other activities relating to the educational matters and the development of his/her profession.
A faculty member is expected to develop healthy relations with the Parents/Guardians of the students in order to achieve not only the broader objectives of education but also to the overall progress of the students.
Should follow all norms and standards set by the College for the faculty from time to time.
Every teachers are require to submit his annual work report, maintain teaching diary, teaching plan and other academic related records in time to time

Non-Teaching staff are responsible for sustaining the highest ethical standards of the College and the broader community in which they function .While the aim of the College is to ensure overall development of students as future citizens of India. The technical and administrative staff should strive to maintain. The following traits are expected from the Non- teaching staff
Confidential report of the department should be part of personal file of that employee and should be kept confidential by staff members working with this Department.
Staff should take additional responsibilities if required as assigned by Principal
Accountant should prepare, examine, and analyze accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports.
Accountant should report to the Principal regarding the financial status of the college at regular intervals.
Accountant should provide all necessary accounting documents and financial statements for yearly account audits.
Clerk should ensure the eligibility of the students and prepare related documents to submit them to R.T.M Nagpur University within prescribed time limit.
Ensure timely submission of enrollments and examination forms to R.T.M Nagpur, University.
Clerk should maintain service book of all staff of the Institute.
Clerk should maintain college level/department level all document files.
Library assistant should help the lab in-charge to carry out the lab related work.
Library assistant should maintain attendance register
Library assistant should ensure the cleanliness of laboratories.
Peon should maintain cleanliness of laboratories, class and staff rooms.
Peon should do all the work assign by the Head of the department and other staff members.
As the technical and administrative staffs are expected to work closely with the faculty of the College in day to day activities. The staff should:
Respect all the faculty members to look after the education of the students and provide all assistance needed in the discharge of his/her duties.
Develop friendly and co-operative relationship with the faculty members.
Not to use alcoholic based substances and intoxicant’s in college premises.
An employee of technical and administrative staff is expected to develop fraternal relationships with his/her colleagues to nurture proper interpersonal relationships and team spirit.
Must not divulge official secrets, mutilate, expunge, conceal, alter or forge official documents/Receipts.
Avoid social networking sites such as Facebook, Whatsapp, etc during the working hours.

Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of discipline and dignified manner of behavior inside as well as outside the College campus. They shall abide by the rules and regulations of the College and should act in a way that highlights the discipline and esteem of the College.
Any act of indiscipline or misbehavior by any student will attract to punishment.
Students should behave well with Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of the college.
Students should take Identity Card within a month from the date of admission. It will not be issued thereafter. Students should carry with them valid Identity card in the college campus or representing the college at any other place.
Students must observe the notices displayed on notice-board. College administrative will not be responsible if any loss is recurred due to not observing the notice displayed on the notice board.
Students’ attendance for lectures, practical’s, tutorials, tests and term examinations is a must. 80% attendance in the class is compulsory. Severe action will be taken against the absentees. The students may get concession in the fees on her performance, record and merit.
The students should not make lie statements, produce wrong information or make illegal entries in educational documents regarding seeking admissions or for taking any under advantage. These acts will be considered as serious offences.
In the events of Student seminars/project presentations etc., it is compulsory that all the students of the concerned class be present for the entire session.
During leisure hours, students are advised to use the library, and internet browsing centre.
The students should not initiate any type of ragging. It will be considered as serious offence. If the offence of ragging is proved, they should be punished up to two years imprisonment and penalized up to Rs10000/-. Such student’s admission in the college will be cancelled as he will not get admission for further five years to any educational institute.
Students should take care of their belongings. The institution will not be responsible for any loss.
Students are expected to wear college uniform regularly and The student should switch off their mobile phones while in the classroom, Laboratory, Library etc. as per notification