07152-242904 College magazine 2023-24

Devshila Aadhar Equipment Facility Centre

Devshila Aadhar Equipment Facility Centre

Every Institute and linked component of institute aims to make every person in society independent, self reliable and capable. Therefore for this purpose the institute need to analyses the limitation and problem faced by people in order to solve their problem with their participation so that permanent solution to the problem would get.

In view of this aim Shri. Shailesh Devrao Kurve, former students of our college, thought to has donated instruments of the 30,000 Rs. in the memory of his parents for old aged,handicapped, sick, accidental case, physically and mentally disabled in the form of equipment.

The pivotal object of the centre leads to borne out the Devshila Aadhar sadhan Sansadhan centre and it has been inaugurated on 23 September 2017. The Center is established and inaugurated in presence of all family member of Shailesh Kurve and staff of the college. The inauguration was done by principal.


  1. To provide early assistance to seek help to handicapped, accidental person, old aged and disabled.
  2. To make available equipment on minimum rental cost.
  3. To help people in community and contribute in their rehabilitation process.

Working Committee of the Centre

  1. Dr. Milind Sawai (Principal)         -       President
  2. Dr. Sunita Bhoikar                       -       Secretary
  3. Dr. A. R. Bhele                            -       Member
  4. Mr. B. N. Khelkar                         -       Member
  5. Mr. Dr. Pravin Wankhede            -       Member
  6. Mr. Dr. M. H. Zade                       -       Member
  7. Miss. Chetana Sawai                  -       Director (S. R. A. Education Society)
  8. Shri. Rupesh Patil.                      -       Service Provider

Available Equipment:

  1. Medically equipped bed for patients
  2. Air bed
  3. Wheel chair
  4. Walkers
  5. Belt for Neck, Waist and foot, knee caps.
  6. Toilet chair. (Commode)
  7.  Crutches etc.

Publicity of Devshila Aadhar Equipment Centre:

After inauguration of the centre management committee advertised the centre’s motives activities and services in some news papers, by visiting orthopedic departments of civil and private hospitals, surgeons, physiotherapy centre, posturing and banners and propagate by field work student.

Working Process and Affairs:

The working process and affairs of the centre is monitored by Prof. Dr. Sunita Bhoikar according to the agreement, between college and former students Shri. Shailesh Devraji Kurve. Record is being maintained such as registers, registration books vouchers, stocks and accounts by account section and co-ordination in regard to service fees, donation, security deposit, receipts etc.

Initially the scope of centre / project limited but with time space demand has risen. Therefore the managing body has decided to enlarge services and hence planned to purchase instrument in varied numbers.

Utility of the Centre:

Through this centre more than fifteen people have benefitted from this centre till now. The demand of walker is high. Seeing the needs for the community at the center, donation of 500, Rs. 1000 Rs, thousand are being made on behalf of the professor of college, Alumni and Society.

We provide educational programs that lead to the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary to achieve information literacy, career advancement, personal enrichment, leadership, and service to the community.
We celebrate the commemorative days of the freedom fighters of our country to know the patriotic values.
Participation of the students in various social activities through which the students came to know the communal harmony, religious tolerance and universal brotherhood
We arrange plantation program, so that the students are acquainted with the importance of environmental protection.
We arrange different activities under N.S.S., to inculcate dignity of labor and sense of social service, fraternity, justice and equality among students.
We inculcate financial thrift, human rights and scientific temper among the students.
We embrace diversity and inclusion.
We relentlessly pursue excellence.