07152-242904 College magazine 2023-24



'It is the vision of the Library to support the institution and its stakeholder by providing seamless access to the widest possible spectrum of information resources such as digital, online databases, print and non-print materials relevant to the curricular, informational and innovative research needs of the academic community', means to provide Right Information to the Right Users at the Right Time and in the Right Format.

  • To provide a student-centric learning environment that facilitates transference of information and to cater to the needs of its users to access it.
  • To provide comprehensive resources and services in support of research, teaching, and learning needs of the academic community
  • To facilitate access to right Information at the right time in the right manner so as to produce productive citizens to this great nation in general and to our community in particular.
  • To develop and enhance the capability of the library resources and services in meet the demands of the curricular,  instructional, and research programs of the academic community
  • To create an atmosphere wherein students and faculty may carry on the learning process enjoyable.
Services Of College Library:
  • Providing high speed wifi facility and computer facility to the students
  • To provide the opportunity for self-education to everyone
  • To provide up to date information to all
  • To provide scientific knowledge
  • To provide biased and unbiased materials for the people.
  • Open access facility
  • Reading Room Facility

Colleges form the integral part of higher education and libraries in colleges are the primary source for learning process. With the shift of emphasis from teaching to learning, libraries must play their role effectively. A college is considered as an academic institution of higher learning offering BSW and MSW courses. In colleges, the library occupies a prominent position and it is an important and integral part of the teaching programme. It is not merely a depository of books, but an active workshop instrument in the production of or original thinking. The aim of college education and college libraries in inter-related. College library extends opportunities for self-education to the deserving and enthusiastic students without any distinction. These libraries develop in each student a sense of responsibility in the pursuit of knowledge. College library stimulates the students to obtain, evaluate and recognize knowledge and to familiarize themselves with the trends of knowledge for further education and learning new disciplines.

The main feature of Dr. Ambedkar College of Social Work is that every year students of MSW Sem 4 and BSW III Sem are presenting short research dissertations on specific subjects.

Library Advisory Committee

Sr. no Name Designation Designation of Committe
1 Dr. Milind A. Sawai Off. Principal President
2 Mr. Sanjay Gulhane Asst. Librarian Secreatry
3 Mr. Ashish R. katore Asst.Professor Member
4 Dr. Vijayata Vitankar Asst.Professor Member
5 Student Representative (Female) Student Member
6 Student Representative (Male) Student Member

College Library Staff

Sr. no Name Designation
1 Mr. Sanjay Gulhane Asst. Librarian
2 Mr. Sachin Moon Professional Assistant
3 Mr. Amol Kurjekar Library Assistant
4 Mrs. Sushma V. Bhoyar Library Assistant
5 Mr. Sunil Khode Library Clerk
6 Mrs. Ashwini D. Sawai Peon